How to create a signature field in EasyBadge

Modified on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 at 09:59 AM

To Add a signature field to your database do the following.


1. Click the menu button in the top left of the EasyBadge Program window.  


2. Click Add Field.



4. Select “Picture of card holder” and click the “create” button.



5. Name field as ‘Signature’ and Click ‘OK’.



6. Your Database will need to close and re-open, click ‘OK’.



Next you need to add the signature box to your template.


1.  Click the ‘Change Card Design’ button which is in the central part of the main EasyBadge program window.



2. Select your design from the list that appears , then click the green “Edit design” button. Your design will appear on screen in the Card Designer window..



3. Click the new Image button   found on the left  tool bar in the Card Designer window.


4.  Drag and drop the Image onto the design roughly in the area it needs to be. Then on the right hand side of the Card Design window in the properties of the Image object set it like so. Aspect Ration “Free”, How to Draw “Reduce to Fit”. Also Type ‘Signature’ in the Field line like below.




5. Then use the blue (to resize)  and green (to move) control points on the new signature box to move and resize it into the correct position. Note , at this point it will still show a person’s photo.


6. The click “Save Design”  to save the changes.



7. Click the X to close the design window.



8. Now when you are in the main EasyBadge program view you can right click the photo box and select “Image” > “Signature” to set the photo to display the signature field.




9. When the “Signature” Field is selected you can right click it and select ‘Load Image’ > browses to the signature file on your computer > click ‘Open’ to load a jpeg or bmp photo file in to the persons record as below.





The Signature and photo should now both appear in the database and print on the card.


To switch between Persons Photo and signature just right click on the Image field and choose which field (Image or Signature) you want to load a file into that record.


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