Adding a Coloured Box to Your Design in EasyBadge

Modified on Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 10:12 AM

1. Click ‘Change the Design’ Button in the middle of the EasyBadge program window.



2. From this menu you can Change the design selected by clicking “Edit a Design”




3. Now Click the new Box button on the toolbar move the pointer onto the design area and drag a box shape in the desired location onto the design area.



4. The properties of the box will appear on the right hand properties panel so you can change the colour and effect of the box.



Colour = Changes the primary colour

Gradient = Is the secondary colour in a gradient

Gradient Fill = Enables the gradient

Corner Roundness = Gives the box a radius corner

Border Thickness = Adds a stroke to the edge of the box

Shadow Enable = Adds a simple shadow effect

Size and Position = sets the co-ordinates for the position of the box.

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