How to set all cards to a new design and change default design

Modified on Fri, 19 May 2023 at 11:22 AM

How to change all records to a new design and set this as the new default design


1. First hit F5  on the keyboard to go to the spilt view Pick the design and then tick “All starred records “ at click confirm.




2. and star all the records in the database by clicking on the star on the table header.  



3. Then click the Change the design button in the centre of the screen.



3. Now pick the design they need to be, tick ‘All starred records’ and click ‘Confirm’ to set them all to that design as below..



This changes all the records to have the design you set.


How to set a different card design as the new default


1. Click Main Menu > Modify Database > Manage card designs


2. Click on the design that needs to be the default design and use the up arrow on the right to move it to the top of the list.


3. The design at the top of the list is assigned to any new records that are added.



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