Creating a incremental serial number in an EasyBadge Design

Modified on Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 10:11 AM

To generate a incremental Serial Number in EasyBadge do the following.



1. Open up your Card Design by Clicking the Change a Design button, you will then get the option to Edit an Existing design or Create a new design. Select the appropriate option.


2. In the design view  Click the New Text Box (letter A) option and drag and drop the Text box onto the design


3. In the properties area on the right you can now set the properties of the text.


4. type in the  [SerialNumber] command into the “text” area to add a serial number text object to the card


5. On the menu in Card Designer click the  options button (3 lines) and select “Serial Number” to edit the parameters of the Serial number which will automatically increment every time a card is printed.


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