Magicard Error Codes

Modified on Fri, 14 Apr, 2023 at 2:46 PM

Error code documentation for DTC printer firmware version 13.47


This is the automatically generated error code documentation for version 13.47 of the DTC printer firmware. A table of attributes for each error is given, followed by documentation for each instance of each error code.

For each error code, the attributes table has the following fields:

Whether the error dialog shows a "Retry/OK" button. Pressing this button will clear the error, reinitialise the print engine (clear card, read film tags, align ribbon) and restart any print job that might have been in progress when the error was raised.
Whether the error dialog shows a "Cancel" button. Pressing this button will clear the error, reinitialise the print engine (clear card, read film tags, align ribbons) and delete any print job that might have been in progress when the error was raised.
Retried on closing cover:
Whether closing the printer cover will trigger a "Retry/OK" action as described above.
Higher priority errors will take precidence over lower priority errors on the display.
Displayed message:
The English version of the text shown in the error dialog on the LCD.

You can navigate to an error instance by clicking on an entry in the attributes table below and scrolling down to a particular instance, or by using the following form:

Jump to a specific instance:   .  

Top-level error codes

Numeric codeSymbolic codeRetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
1LID_OPENEDFalseFalseTrue1Printer lid open.
2OUT_OF_CARDSTrueTrueFalse1There are no cards left.
3NO_HAND_FEEDTrueTrueFalse1Could not get a hand-fed card.
4CARD_JAMFalseFalseTrue1Card jam in printer.
5OUT_OF_FILMFalseTrueTrue1There is no dye film left.
6FILM_INVALIDFalseTrueTrue1The wrong type of dye film is fitted.
7REMOVE_FILMFalseTrueTrue1Please remove the dye film.
8CAM_JAMFalseFalseTrue1Couldn't move the printhead.
9FLIP_JAMFalseFalseTrue1Card flipper mechanism jammed.
10FILE_INVALIDFalseTrueFalse1Invalid file sent to printer.
11SOFTWARE_OUTDATEDFalseTrueTrue1The printer software needs to be upgraded.
12SENSOR_FAILUREFalseTrueFalse1A sensor may have failed.
13INTERNAL_ERRORFalseTrueFalse1Internal system error.
14SD_CARD_UNSIGNEDFalseFalseFalse2The wrong SD card is fitted in the printer.
15HOLOKOTE_INVALIDFalseTrueFalse1The Holokote file does not have the correct format.
16HOLOKOTE_NOT_AUTHFalseTrueFalse1The Holokote file is not authorised for this printer.
17UPGRADE_INVALIDFalseTrueFalse1The upgrade file does not have the correct format.
18UPGRADE_NOT_AUTHFalseTrueFalse1The upgrade file is not authorised for this printer.
19SOFTWARE_INVALIDFalseTrueFalse1The software update file does not have the correct format.
20SD_WRITE_FAILEDFalseFalseFalse2The printer could not write to the internal SD card.
21INSTALL_FAILEDFalseTrueFalse2The printer was unable to update its system software.
22DUPLEX_DISABLEDFalseTrueFalse1The double-sided printing feature is not enabled.
23MAG_DISABLEDFalseTrueFalse1There is no magnetic encoder in this printer.
24FILM_NO_COLOURFalseTrueTrue1There is no colour film in this printer.
25FILM_NO_OVERCOATFalseTrueTrue1There is no overcoat in the currently fitted film.
26MOTOR_FAULTTrueTrueFalse2One of the print engine motors is faulty.
27CLEAN_REQUIREDFalseTrueFalse0The printer needs to be cleaned.
28NO_PRINTHEADFalseFalseFalse2The printhead cannot be detected.
29NO_SD_CARDFalseFalseFalse2No SD card is fitted in the printer.
30MAG_VERIFY_FAILEDTrueTrueFalse1Mag stripe verification failed.
31COLOUR_DISABLEDFalseTrueFalse1This printer can only print monochrome images.
32DPI600_DISABLEDFalseTrueFalse1This printer can only print 300 dpi images.
33FILM_NO_NPANELFalseTrueTrue1There is no N-panel in the currently fitted film.
34FILM_NO_PPANELFalseTrueTrue1There is no P-panel in the currently fitted film.
35NO_MAG_DATAFalseTrueFalse1Magnetic encoding options were present in a print job, but no magnetic track data was provided.

0: OK


RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message




RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseTrue1Printer lid open.


Error code 1:0

Reason: The lid was opened while the print engine was performing an operation. Close the lid and try again.

Source: line 1782 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 1:1

Reason: The lid was open at the point the printer was about to begin a print job. Close the lid and try again.

Source: line 625 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
TrueTrueFalse1There are no cards left.


Error code 2:5

Reason: While feeding a card from the hopper, it took too long for the rear sensor to block.

Source: line 1561 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 2:6

Reason: While trying to feed a card from the hopper, it took too long for the front sensor to block.

Source: line 1541 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
TrueTrueFalse1Could not get a hand-fed card.


Error code 3:0

Reason: While hand feeding a card, it took too long for the front sensor to block.

Source: line 1504 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 3:1

Reason: While hand feeding a card, it took too long for the hopper sensor to detect a card.

Source: line 1498 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseTrue1Card jam in printer.


Error code 4:0

Reason: While moving the card forwards to the front sensor in preparation for placing it in the contactless encoding position, it took too long for the front sensor to block.

Source: line 1403 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:1

Reason: While moving the card backwards from the front sensor to the contactless encoding position, it took too long for the front sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1411 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:2

Reason: While feeding a card from the smart encoder to the flipper, it took too long for the smart extract sensor to indicate that the card was free of the encoder.

Source: line 1447 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:3

Reason: While moving a card from the flipper into the smart encoder, it took too long for the smart insert sensor to trigger.

Source: line 1470 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:4

Reason: While moving the card from the flipper to the standby position, it took too long for the mid sensor to block.

Source: line 1485 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:7

Reason: While feeding a card from the hopper, and having seen the card reach the rear sensor, it took too long for the mid sensor to block.

Source: line 1554 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:8

Reason: While feeding a card from the hopper, and having seen the card reach the mid sensor, it took too long to clear the rear sensor by rewinding the feed motor.

Source: line 1574 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:9

Reason: While moving the card forwards to feed into the flipper, it took too long for the card's leading edge to block the front sensor.

Source: line 1610 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:13

Reason: While moving the card from the front sensor to the standby position, it took too long for the front sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1660 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:14

Reason: While moving the card from the rear sensor to the standby position, it took too long for the rear sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1674 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:15

Reason: While moving a card from the flipper into the smart encoder, it took too long for the smart extract sensor to trigger. This may mean that there is no encoder actually fitted.

Source: line 1462 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:16

Reason: While moving the card past the front sensor, having seen the card arrive at the sensor and having moved the card most of the way past that sensor, it took too long for the sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1594 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:17

Reason: While moving the card into position for a printing or encoding operation, it took took long for the reference edge of the card to move in front of the sensor used for positioning. In the case of extended mono prints, this means the mid sensor took too long to block. In other cases, this means it took too long for the rear sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1638 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:18

Reason: While moving the card into position for a printing or encoding operation, it took too long for the reference edge of the card to move behind the sensor used for positioning. In the case of extended mono prints, this means the mid sensor took too long to unblock. In other cases, this means it took too long for the rear sensor to block.

Source: line 1649 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:19

Reason: While trying to eject the card, it took too long for the leading edge of the card to block the front sensor.

Source: line 1418 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:20

Reason: While trying to eject the card, and having seen the leading edge of the card reach the front sensor, it took too long for the front sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1424 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:21

Reason: While moving the card from the flipper to the standby position, and having seen the card reach the mid sensor, it took too long for the mid sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1491 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:22

Reason: While trying to feed a card from the hopper, and having seen the card reach the front sensor, it took too long for the front sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1547 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:23

Reason: While moving the card backwards to feed into the flipper, it took too long for the card to block the mid sensor.

Source: line 1617 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:24

Reason: While moving the card from the mid sensor to the standby position, it took too long for the mid sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1667 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:25

Reason: While moving the card to the front sensor, it took too long for the front sensor to block.

Source: line 1681 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:26

Reason: While moving the card to the rear sensor, it took too long for the rear sensor to block.

Source: line 1687 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 4:27

Reason: While trying to feed a card from the hopper, and having seen the card reach the front sensor, it took too long for the rear sensor to block.

Source: line 1567 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1There is no dye film left.


Error code 5:0

Reason: While moving a dye panel edge from the dye sensor to the printhead, it took too long for the tacho wheel to move the required amount. The film has probably either run out or snapped.

Source: line 1699 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:1

Reason: While advancing to the next dye panel, it too long for the next panel boundary to be detected.

Source: line 1726 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:2

Reason: It took too many attempts for the printer to find a particular panel of dye film (possibly because the dye sensor needs calibration).

Source: line 1732 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:3

Reason: A valid dye film RFID tag was found, but no physical ribbon could be detected while trying to take up the film slack.

Source: line 1140 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:4

Reason: A valid dye film RFID tag was found, but there were no shots remaining.

Source: line 970 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:5

Reason: After printing a card, the printer was unable to decrement the number of remaining prints on the dye film RFID tag.

Source: line 2370 of print_ctrl.cpp

Error code 5:6

Reason: When about to print a panel, the printer detected the end-of-film marker.

Source: line 1720 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:7

Reason: While moving the dye film, too great a time elapsed between tacho sensor counts. The film has probably either run out or snapped.

Source: line 1707 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:8

Reason: While trying to take up the film slack, no tacho pulses were observed within a reasonable amount of time

Source: line 1739 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:9

Reason: After completing a print job, the printer detected the end-of-film marker.

Source: line 650 of print_ctrl.cpp

Error code 5:10

Reason: While trying to move past the transition region beween two dye panels, it took too long for the dye motor to move the the required amount.

Source: line 1745 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 5:11

Reason: Just before starting to print a panel, the printer detected the end-of-film marker.

Source: line 1344 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1The wrong type of dye film is fitted.


Error code 6:0

Reason: The fitted dye film had an invalid RFID tag. Either the tag was not programmed correctly or there is a problem with the RFID tag reader.

Source: line 841 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:1

Reason: A dye film ribbon was detected, but a valid dye film RFID tag could not be found. This printer is not configured to permit tagless film.

Source: line 1121 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:2

Reason: The fitted dye film does not have the right region code for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 848 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:3

Reason: The fitted dye film does not have the right dealer code for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 854 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:4

Reason: The fitted dye film does not have the right project code for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 860 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:5

Reason: The fitted dye film does not have the right grade code for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 866 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:6

Reason: The fitted dye film is not of the right kind for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 872 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:7

Reason: The fitted dye film is not of the right kind for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 878 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:8

Reason: The fitted dye film is not of the right kind for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 884 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:9

Reason: The fitted dye film is not of the right kind for this printer. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 890 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:10

Reason: The fitted dye film seems to be encoded as a legacy Holokote or locking dongle tag. Check that there isn't a card or dongle present in the slot next to the rear film spool, or try another roll of film.

Source: line 896 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:11

Reason: The fitted dye film seems to be encoded as a transfer film tag. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 904 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:12

Reason: The fitted dye film seems to be encoded as a legacy multi ethernet upgrade tag. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 910 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:13

Reason: The fitted dye film seems to be encoded as a legacy multi smart mode upgrade tag. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 916 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:14

Reason: The fitted dye film seems to be encoded as a legacy multi duplex upgrade tag. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 922 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:15

Reason: The fitted dye film seems to be encoded as a legacy internal printer tag. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 928 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 6:16

Reason: The fitted dye film seems to have a non-dye film tag fitted. Try another roll of film.

Source: line 934 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1Please remove the dye film.


Error code 7:0

Reason: The printer detected film was loaded when trying to calibrate dye LEDs and dye motor.

Source: line 1714 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 7:3

Reason: The printer detected film was loaded when trying to carry out an operation that requires no film to be present.

Source: line 54 of error_if_film_present_handler.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseTrue1Couldn't move the printhead.


Error code 8:0

Reason: While moving the printhead cam to the closed position, it took too long to detect the trailing edge of the cam pulley flag.

Source: line 1354 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 8:1

Reason: While initialising the cam, it took too long to detect the leading edge of the cam pulley flag.

Source: line 1368 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 8:2

Reason: While initialising the cam, and having detected the leading edge of the cam pulley flag, it took too long to detect the trailing edge of the flag.

Source: line 1374 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 8:3

Reason: While moving the printhead cam to the open position, it took too long to detect the leading edge of the cam pulley flag.

Source: line 1388 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseTrue1Card flipper mechanism jammed.


Error code 9:0

Reason: While initialising the flipper, it took too long to detect the the start of the blocked region of the flange.

Source: line 1752 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 9:1

Reason: While initialising the flipper, and having detected the start of the blocked region of the flange, it took too long to detect the start of the unblocked region (the start of the slot).

Source: line 1759 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 9:2

Reason: While moving the card backwards to feed into the flipper, and having seen the card arrive at the mid sensor, it took too long for the mid sensor to unblock.

Source: line 1623 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1Invalid file sent to printer.


Error code 10:0

Reason: The printer received a print job. The side number specified for one of the sides of the image data was invalid. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 115 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:1

Reason: The printer received a print job. The format specified for the image payload was not supported. If updating the firmware does not fix this, it may be that the print job file is corrupt.

Source: line 148 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:2

Reason: The printer received a print job containing magnetic track data. One of the tracks specified an invalid track number.

Source: line 247 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:3

Reason: The printer received a print job containing magnetic track data. The number of bits specified for one of the tracks was out of range. This probably means that the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 292 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:4

Reason: The printer received a print job containing magnetic track data. The number of bits specified for one of the tracks was too great for the provided payload size. This probably means that the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 303 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:5

Reason: The printer received a print job containing magnetic track data. The bit density specified for one of the tracks was out of range. This probably means that the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 315 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:6

Reason: The printer received a print job. The panel ID specified for one of the panels was invalid. This probably means that the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 353 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:7

Reason: The printer received a print job. The width or height specified for the card was out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 167 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:8

Reason: The printer received a print job. The payload provided was not large enough to hold the image width specified. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 518 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:9

Reason: The printer received a print job. The power adjustment for one of the panels was out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 531 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:11

Reason: The printer received a print job. The number of copies specified was less than 1. This means that the print job file is corrupt.

Source: line 137 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:12

Reason: The printer received a print job containing magnetic track data. The number of encoding attempts requested was less than one.

Source: line 215 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:13

Reason: The printer received a print job containing magnetic track data. The number of verification attempts requested was less than zero.

Source: line 225 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:14

Reason: The printer received a print job. The x adjustment specified for a panel was out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 470 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:15

Reason: The printer received a print job. The y adjustment specified for a panel was out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 481 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:16

Reason: The printer received a print job. An area or hole setting for one of the panels was missing a required element. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 422 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:17

Reason: The printer received a print job. An area or hole setting for one of the panels had an out-of-range value. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 438 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:18

Reason: The printer received a print job. The X coordinate for the HoloCode is out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 643 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:19

Reason: The printer received a print job. The Y coordinate for the HoloCode is out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 653 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:20

Reason: The printer received a print job. The module size for the HoloCode is out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 662 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:21

Reason: The printer received a print job. The margin for the HoloCode is out of range. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 672 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:22

Reason: The printer received a print job. The format for the HoloCode is unsupported. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 686 of card_handler.cpp

Error code 10:23

Reason: The printer received a print job. The data for the HoloCode is either empty or too long. This probably means the print job file was corrupt.

Source: line 698 of card_handler.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1The printer software needs to be upgraded.


Error code 11:0

Reason: The fitted dye film has a data format which the printer could not understand. The printer software needs to be upgraded in order to support this type of dye film.

Source: line 834 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1A sensor may have failed.


Error code 12:0

Reason: While hand feeding a card, the rear sensor blocked before the front one.

Source: line 1510 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 12:1

Reason: While hand feeding a card, and having seen the card reach the front sensor, the rear sensor blocked before the front sensor unblocked.

Source: line 1516 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 12:3

Reason: While feeding a card from the hopper, the front sensor blocked before the mid one.

Source: line 1523 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 12:4

Reason: While feeding a card from the hopper, the front sensor blocked before the rear one.

Source: line 1529 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 12:5

Reason: While trying to feed a card from the hopper, the mid sensor triggered before the front one.

Source: line 1535 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 12:6

Reason: While feeding a card from the hopper, the rear sensor triggered before the front one.

Source: line 1581 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1Internal system error.


Error code 13:1

Reason: The printhead took too long to reach a temperature suitable for printing. There may be a fault with the printhead temperature sensor.

Source: line 1800 of print_ctrl.cpp

Error code 13:2

Reason: The mag PCB MCU reported that an error occurred while trying to carry out an operation or interpret a command.

Source: line 163 of usb_mag_encoder.cpp

Error code 13:3

Reason: The mag driver reported that an error occurred while trying to carry out an operation.

Source: line 156 of usb_mag_encoder.cpp

Error code 13:4

Reason: Communication with the print engine microcontroller failed. If rebooting the printer does not fix this problem, try updating the firmware. If that does not work, there is probably a hardware fault.

Source: line 1774 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:5

Reason: The print engine microcontroller reported an error. If rebooting the printer does not fix this problem, try updating the firmware. If that does not work, there is probably a hardware fault.

Source: line 1835 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:6

Reason: During initialisation the printer could not program the FPGA. Ensure the printer is running the latest software, reboot the printer, and try again. If this does not work there is either a bug in the printer software or a hardware fault.

Source: line 696 of application.cpp

Error code 13:7

Reason: The printhead driver was not initialised.

Source: line 1614 of application.cpp

Error code 13:8

Reason: Communication with the mag encoder microcontroller failed. If rebooting the printer does not fix this problem, try updating the firmware. If that does not work, there is probably a hardware fault.

Source: line 484 of i2c_mag_encoder.cpp

Error code 13:9

Reason: The mag encoder microcontroller reported an error. If rebooting the printer does not fix this problem, try updating the firmware. If that does not work, there is probably a hardware fault.

Source: line 493 of i2c_mag_encoder.cpp

Error code 13:11

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the blue duty cycle was out of range.

Source: line 1006 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:12

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the green duty cycle was out of range.

Source: line 1010 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:13

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the green and blue duty cycles were out of range.

Source: line 1014 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:14

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the red duty cycle was out of range.

Source: line 1019 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:15

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the red and blue duty cycles were out of range.

Source: line 1023 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:16

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the red and green duty cycles were out of range.

Source: line 1028 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:17

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the red, green and blue duty cycle were out of range.

Source: line 1033 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:18

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current was out of range.

Source: line 1038 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:19

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current and blue duty cycle were out of range.

Source: line 1042 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:20

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current and green duty cycle were out of range.

Source: line 1047 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:21

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current and green and blue duty cycles were out of range.

Source: line 1052 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:22

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current and red duty cycle were out of range.

Source: line 1057 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:23

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current and red and blue duty cycles were out of range.

Source: line 1062 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:24

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current and red and green duty cycles were out of range.

Source: line 1067 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:25

Reason: While updating the dye control calibration, the printer detected that the motor current and red, green and blue duty cycle were out of range.

Source: line 1072 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:26

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a MOVE_CAM command.

Source: line 1281 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:27

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a MOVE_CARD command.

Source: line 1287 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:28

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a MOVE_DYE command.

Source: line 1293 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:29

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a MOVE_FLIP command.

Source: line 1299 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:31

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a SET_DYE_PANEL_SEQUENCE command.

Source: line 1305 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:32

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a SET_DYE_TYPE command.

Source: line 1311 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:33

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a SET_DYE_LED command.

Source: line 1317 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:34

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a SET_FILM_FORMAT command.

Source: line 1323 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:35

Reason: When about to move the card to the standby position, the print engine MCU firmware detected that the card position data was invalid.

Source: line 1347 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:36

Reason: While initialising the cam, it took too long for the cam motor to rotate by the required amount after triggering the cam sensor.

Source: line 1361 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:37

Reason: While attempting to rotate the cam motor by a specific angle, it took too long for the motor to move by the required amount.

Source: line 1381 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:38

Reason: While advancing the card by a particular distance (e.g. during printing or reading/writing a mag stripe), it took too long for the main card motor to move by the required amount.

Source: line 1395 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:39

Reason: Having fed the card into the flipper for ejection and started to drive it into the stacker, it took too long for the flip card position stepper motor to move the required amount.

Source: line 1431 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:40

Reason: While returning the card from the encoder to the flipper and having unblocked the smart extract sensor, it too too long for the flip card position stepper motor to move the required amount to centre the card in the flipper.

Source: line 1439 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:41

Reason: While moving the card from the smart encoder to the flipper, it took too long for the flip card position motor to move the required amount to fully extract the card.

Source: line 1454 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:42

Reason: While moving the card from the flipper to the smart encoder, it took too long for the flip card position motor to move the required amount to fully insert the card.

Source: line 1477 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:43

Reason: While moving the card past an opto sensor, it took to long for the main stepper motor to move the card just under a card's length.

Source: line 1587 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:44

Reason: While feeding the card from the platen into the flipper and having cleared the front sensor, it took too long for the flip card position stepper motor to move the required amount to centre the card in the flipper.

Source: line 1602 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:45

Reason: While moving the card into position for a printing, mag or encoding operation, it took too long for the main card motor to move by the amount to reach the required pre- operation position.

Source: line 1630 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:46

Reason: An invalid command code was passed as the first byte of an I2C packet.

Source: line 1693 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:47

Reason: While attempting to rotate the flipper by a specific angle, it took too long for the rotation motor to move by the required amount.

Source: line 1767 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:48

Reason: Could not update mag encoder PCB firmware.

Source: line 1763 of application.cpp

Error code 13:49

Reason: Could not update print engine firmware.

Source: line 1768 of application.cpp

Error code 13:50

Reason: While attempting to write a tag image to an RFID tag, the printer found that the UID in the image did not match the UID on the tag.

Source: line 99 of tag_programmer.cpp

Error code 13:51

Reason: While attempting to write a tag image to an RFID tag, the printer could not update the tag's AFI to the required value.

Source: line 114 of tag_programmer.cpp

Error code 13:52

Reason: While attempting to write a tag image to an RFID tag, the printer could not lock the AFI.

Source: line 124 of tag_programmer.cpp

Error code 13:53

Reason: While attempting to write a tag image to an RFID tag, the printer could not update the tag's DSFID to the required value.

Source: line 138 of tag_programmer.cpp

Error code 13:54

Reason: While attempting to write a tag image to an RFID tag, the printer could not lock the DSFID.

Source: line 148 of tag_programmer.cpp

Error code 13:55

Reason: While attempting to write a tag image to an RFID tag, the printer could not update one of the tag sectors.

Source: line 162 of tag_programmer.cpp

Error code 13:56

Reason: While attempting to write a tag image to an RFID tag, the printer could not parse the tag image JSON.

Source: line 170 of tag_programmer.cpp

Error code 13:57

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a WIND_MOTOR_DC_PWM command.

Source: line 1329 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:58

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a WIND_MOTOR_DC_SIMPLE command.

Source: line 1335 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 13:59

Reason: An invalid argument was passed as part of a WIND_MOTOR_STEPPER command.

Source: line 1341 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseFalse2The wrong SD card is fitted in the printer.


Error code 14:0

Reason: The internal SD card did not have a valid signature.

Source: line 616 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1The Holokote file does not have the correct format.


Error code 15:0

Reason: While attempting to validate a Holokote file, the printer found that the file was not in the right format. Either it is not the right type of file, or the data has been corrupted.

Source: line 182 of overcoat_manager.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1The Holokote file is not authorised for this printer.


Error code 16:0

Reason: While attempting to validate a Holokote file, the printer found that the file was not licensed for this printer. It is possible that the file was intended for a different printer.

Source: line 198 of overcoat_manager.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1The upgrade file does not have the correct format.


Error code 17:0

Reason: While attempting to validate an upgrade file, the printer found that the file was not in the right format. Either it is not the right type of file, or the data has been corrupted.

Source: line 97 of capability_manager.cpp

Error code 17:1

Reason: While attempting to validate an upgrade file, the printer found that the file was not in the right format. Either it is not the right type of file, or the data has been corrupted.

Source: line 113 of capability_manager.cpp

Error code 17:2

Reason: While attempting to validate an upgrade file, the printer could not interpret the file's upgrade commands. Either it is not the right type of file, or the data has been corrupted.

Source: line 213 of capability_manager.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1The upgrade file is not authorised for this printer.


Error code 18:0

Reason: While attempting to validate an upgrade file, the printer found that the file was not licensed for this printer. It is possible that the file was intended for a different printer.

Source: line 131 of capability_manager.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1The software update file does not have the correct format.




RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseFalse2The printer could not write to the internal SD card.


Error code 20:0

Reason: While performing a system software update, an error occurred while trying to write temporary update data to the SD card.

Source: line 72 of update_manager.cpp

Error code 20:2

Reason: While attempting to apply an upgrade, the printer was unable to create the upgrade directory on the SD card. Either the SD card is missing, unformatted or functioning incorrectly.

Source: line 183 of capability_manager.cpp

Error code 20:3

Reason: While attempting to install a custom Holokote image, the printer was unable to create the overcoat directory on the SD card. Either the SD card is missing, unformatted or functioning incorrectly.

Source: line 309 of overcoat_manager.cpp

Error code 20:4

Reason: While attempting to update the system image, the printer was unable to create the system upgrade directory on the SD card. Either the SD card is missing, unformatted or functioning incorrectly.

Source: line 58 of update_manager.cpp

Error code 20:5

Reason: While attempting to format the SD card at the start of a soak routine, the formatting process failed.

Source: line 74 of soak_ctrl.cpp

Error code 20:6

Reason: While attempting to back up the printer settings to the shipped store, the printer failed to write the settings file to the SD card. Either the SD card is missing, unformatted or functioning incorrectly.

Source: line 56 of save_handler.cpp

Error code 20:7

Reason: While attempting to uninstall a custom Holokote image, the watermark image file was present on the SD card but could not be deleted. The SD card may be write protected or not functioning correctly.

Source: line 357 of overcoat_manager.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse2The printer was unable to update its system software.


Error code 21:0

Reason: While performing a system software update, an error was reported by the software update script.

Source: line 92 of update_manager.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1The double-sided printing feature is not enabled.


Error code 22:0

Reason: The printer received a double-sided print job, but does not have duplex printing enabled.

Source: line 891 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1There is no magnetic encoder in this printer.


Error code 23:0

Reason: The printer received a print job which required mag encoding, but does not have mag encoding enabled.

Source: line 907 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1There is no colour film in this printer.


Error code 24:0

Reason: The printer received a colour print job, but does not have colour film fitted.

Source: line 941 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1There is no overcoat in the currently fitted film.




RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
TrueTrueFalse2One of the print engine motors is faulty.


Error code 26:0

Reason: The print engine MCU reported a dye film motor fault.

Source: line 1788 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 26:1

Reason: The print engine MCU reported a card feed motor fault.

Source: line 1793 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 26:2

Reason: The print engine MCU reported a printhead cam motor fault.

Source: line 1798 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 26:3

Reason: The print engine MCU reported a flip position motor fault while moving the card. Note that this is the flipper motor which drives the card, not the rotation motor.

Source: line 1804 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 26:4

Reason: The print engine MCU reported a flip position motor fault while rotating the flipper. Note that this is the flipper motor which drives the card, not the rotation motor.

Source: line 1812 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 26:5

Reason: The print engine MCU reported a flip rotation motor fault. Note that this is the flipper motor which rotates the flipper, not the one which drives the card

Source: line 1820 of print_engine_driver.cpp

Error code 26:6

Reason: The print engine MCU reported a main card drive motor fault.

Source: line 1828 of print_engine_driver.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse0The printer needs to be cleaned.


Error code 27:0

Reason: On start-up, the printer detected that it was overdue for cleaning.

Source: line 1651 of application.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseFalse2The printhead cannot be detected.


Error code 28:0

Reason: The printhead does not seem to be fitted.

Source: line 1620 of application.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseFalseFalse2No SD card is fitted in the printer.


Error code 29:0

Reason: The internal SD card could not be detected.

Source: line 1634 of application.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
TrueTrueFalse1Mag stripe verification failed.


Error code 30:0

Reason: While attempting to verify mag data after an encoding operation, the printer found that the data read back from the mag stripe did not match the data written.

Source: line 1540 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1This printer can only print monochrome images.


Error code 31:0

Reason: The printer received a colour print job, but does not have colour printing enabled.

Source: line 934 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1This printer can only print 300 dpi images.




RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1There is no N-panel in the currently fitted film.


Error code 33:0

Reason: The printer recevied a job with neutral panel options, but the fitted dye film does not have neutral panels.

Source: line 981 of print_ctrl.cpp



RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueTrue1There is no P-panel in the currently fitted film.




RetriableCancellableRetried on closing coverPriorityDisplayed message
FalseTrueFalse1Magnetic encoding options were present in a print job, but no magnetic track data was provided.


Error code 35:0

Reason: Mag options were provided to the printer, but not mag data was present in the print job payload. If mag encoding is required, at least one mag track should be non-empty.

Source: line 266 of card_handler.cpp

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