How to set up Default databases for multiple users in EasyBadge

Modified on Fri, 30 Oct 2020 at 11:13 AM

You can set up a default databases for multiple users in EasyBadge be doing the following.


This guide will require collecting information for the registry using Regedit so please ensure you are familiar with this Windows tool or ask someone who is.


1. Load up EasyBadge on the first user account and open up your database.


2. Click the menu button ( 3 lines top left)


3. Selected Settings ( at the bottom of the list)



4. On the database tab click on the name of your database and then click the Auto open button. This sets this as the default database and this information is written into the registry.

5. In the run command line in Windows run Regedit to open the Registry Editor and browse to the EasyBadge General Entry in this path.


HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Digital ID > EasyBadge > General

6. Registration and default database info in General can be added to the EBDefaults.txt file , and used as a default value when you have multiple users. The below example text from the EBDefaults.txt has the license information and the default database included which is useful if you have multiple users on one computer.


General.RegName=Your Company Name

General.RegAuth=Your Registration Code

General.DefaultDatabase=Long sting 






7. The EBDefaults.txt needs to be copied into this location.


C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyBadge


From that point on in EasyBadge should use the information in the EBDefaults.txt file if the values are not found in the registry.

8. The EBDefault file will only work if no defaults have already been set already. If they have you may need to remove these entries from the registry.


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