Adding Static Text to a Design in EasyBadge

Modified on Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 10:12 AM

To add a static field to your card design follow these instructions.


1. Click ‘Change the Design’ Button.



2. From this menu you can edit a design  by bullet pointing the design you want to change and click Edit a Design icon.



3. When your design in on screen click the ‘New Text’ icon on the left tool bar and drop the text box on to the card.




4. To add in text type the static text into the Text panel to the right of the card design area.



6. Common options for formatting the text can be found below the font selector as well as Shrink to Fit, Word wrap and other formatting options.


7. Now click the save icon on the tool bar to save any changes made to your design and then click the  small ‘X’ to close the card design when you have finished adding the new data fields to the card.





You can also use the “New Text or “A” Button on the left tool bar to add variable data.

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