Database not found message

Modified on Fri, 31 Mar 2023 at 10:41 AM

If you are opening EasyBadge and getting a message 'Database cannot be found' this article details how to find the location of you recent EasyBadge database so you can check you have access to the folder and that the file is in the correct location. 

When EasyBadge opens and you get an Error that the database cannot be found it is usually because the .mdb file EasyBadge uses has either been moved or deleted or the user no longer has access to the files location.


1. Open EasyBadge and click  OK past the Error message to open the program without opening any database.

2.  Now click the ‘Main Menu’ (3 lines top left of program window)   > Settings > Databases to view recently open database files. Make note of the file name and location listed in your Recent Database page.




3.  Now exit EasyBadge and search File Explorer in Windows and open up it up. 


4. Now use File Explorer to browse to the location on your PC. 

5. If you cannot see the file in this location it may have been moved or deleted in error. If you cannot browse to this location you may have lost access either due to a network error or loss of system privileges in Windows. In either instance you will need to speak to your systems admin team to help you restore the lost file to the correct location or permit access to the lost location.

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