How to re-install your EasyBadge software and restore any data created by EasyBadge

Modified on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 at 10:11 AM

This article details how to re-install your EasyBadge software and restore any data created by EasyBadge.


If your computer fails or is being upgraded you may need to re-install EasyBadge on a new computer.


This guide walks you through the best way to do this. The guide assumes you have access to EasyBadge and any database files are backed up and you have access to them.


1.  Collect your EasyBadge registration details by clicking the ‘main menu’  (3 lines top left of program window) button top left.


2. Click ‘Registration’ at the bottom of the menu.




3. Write down or copy to into a text document  the company name and the registration code exactly as they appear in the Registration window.




4.  Make sure you are able to browse to the location of any database (.mdb) files that EasyBadge needs to use on the new computer. These Database files can be seen from the ‘Main Menu’ (3 lines top left of program window)   > Settings > Databases.. 




5.  Next download the latest build of EasyBadge from and follow the software installation instructions in the attached pdf ( page 8 to page 11.)


6. When EasyBadge runs for the first time it will start the Wizard. Click the close the Wizard button top right of the Wizard screen.




7. Now move over to the left of the empty program window to make the menu flyout appear and select “open Database” from the menu.




8. Select the database format that matches your existing database. Access is the default type EasyBadge uses.




9. You can then browse to your existing database file and click open to start using EasyBadge as before.




10. If you select a SQL or Oracle Database you will see this screen where you will need to enter your ‘Server’ and ‘Database name’ to open up your existing database.





Please note if you have saved your EasyBadge data on your Computers local disk and your computer has malfunctioned you may need to recreate a brand new database using the wizard.


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